The Ghost and Wild Dog, nagarjuna Akkineni's most recent movies, both failed to live up to expectations. Mohan Raja, the filmmaker of The Godfather, and nagarjuna were going to collaborate. Nag, however, abandoned his ambitions following the success of the movie. The most recent information we have is that nagarjuna has agreed to star in a malayalam remake. Porinju Mariam Jose, a period action thriller that was released in 2019 and enjoyed tremendous popularity, will be remade by Nagarjuna.

The movie played in theatres for 100 days following Lucifer, Kumbalangi Nights, Uyare, and Virus. Nag is remaking the movie since he was impressed. prasanna Kumar Bezawada, a writer, will make his directing debut with this. Apart from hello Guru prema Kosame and Run, prasanna was the writer and assistant director for Nani's Nenu Local. He had also worked for Dhamaka, owned by ravi Teja.

Srinivasaa chitturi, who is currently funding naga chaitanya and venkat Prabhu's Custody, will finance this high-budget action movie. More information will shortly be officially released. nagarjuna is desperate to give a solid hit as his last few movies are dreadful failures at the box office and he needs to revamp.

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