As much celebrity as he gained for the movie, Kantara famous hero director Rishab Shetty also gained fame for his interviews. Particularly, his oblique attack on rashmika mandanna, the main heroine, during an interview, is currently making waves. Despite the fact that she isn't acting in any kannada films, there are rumours that she will now be barred from the industry. Here is what we currently know about this problem.

Rashmika was asked to discuss her debut in an interview with a well-known bollywood YouTube channel. The actress described how she entered a beauty contest and how that led to a movie deal. rashmika made the "quotes gesture" with her hands and remarked, "I got a call from this production house," without mentioning the name of the studio.

In actuality, the production company is owned by rakshit shetty, who also happens to be the star of her first movie, Kirik Party, and with whom she became engaged but later split up after becoming successful in the telugu industry. In any case, rashmika subtly implied that she was being sarcastic by making the "quotes gesture." Fans have asked rashmika to be sensible while giving interviews. If not sensible, she should at least be faithful.

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