The marriage of comedian Ali's daughter Fathima Rameezun took place last night at Shamshabad, Hyderabad. Several well-known actors from tollywood and members of the political community attended the wedding. Many ycp leaders also went because ali is a member of the YSRCP and was recently chosen to serve as the state government of Andhra Pradesh's advisor on electronic media affairs. At the wedding, guests included chiranjeevi, nagarjuna, murali Mohan, and Brahmanadam. There was also minister Roja.

Pawan kalyan decided to skip this wedding. Despite being good friends in the movies, Pawan and Ali's distance grew as a result of their political disagreements. Pawan has completely distanced himself from ali now that he holds a position of authority. Earlier today, Pawan attended a party gathering in Vijayawada. Thus, Pawan was unable to attend. chiru and his wife Surekha were present at the event. 

CM Jagan also skipped the nuptials in the meantime. He will, however, be present for the reception tomorrow in Guntur. At the reception, a number of other leaders and ministers will speak. megastar chiranjeevi and superstar nagarjuna Akkineni and his wife Amala Akkineni were also seen having a great time at the occasion. On social media, several images and videos have been shared.

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