Fans responded favourably to actress priyanka Arul Mohan's most recent release, "Don," and the movie is said to have made more over Rs. 100 crore at the box office worldwide in just 10 days. She and her movie business friends are currently on vacation in Dubai. Along with priyanka Arul Mohan, actors Kavin, Redin Kingsley, and director Nelson Dilipkumar are on vacation in Dubai. Actress priyanka Arul Mohan recently shared a video of herself having fun on vacation, and Nelson Dilipkumar's wife had previously shared a photo of the group.

The actress posted the popular pictures and videos of her from dubai on Instagram. Additionally, she shared a video of Redin Kingsley and the actress dancing to the "Beast" song "Jolly O Gymkhana," which is a montage of Priyanka. In this case, a bikini photo of priyanka Arul Mohan has gone viral on social media and we poked our noses to find out.

We came to know that, the image was photoshopped and morphed with sakshi Agarwal's bikini body. In fact, as the skin tone matched with priyanka Arul Mohan the bikini photo looked completely realistic. Fans are sharing the photo viral and they are just happy even though it looks a fake one! 

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