The wife of tdp leader nara lokesh and Nandamuri Balakrishna's eldest daughter, nara brahmani, serves as Executive director of heritage foods and frequently makes news for her commercial savvy. brahmani is currently making news for her new skill—riding a bike. Few people are aware that brahmani belongs to a club of bike riders.

Brahmani and a few other bike aficionados went on a trip through the beautiful Leh-Ladakh valleys in a film just published by well-known motorbike brand Yezdi. Fans of Nandamuri and Nara are in awe of Brahmani's bike riding abilities, and the video is trending on social media. brahmani talked about the experiences she had while travelling and her spiritual growth in the video. She described how the trips used to leave for Leh's Thiksey Monastery as early as 6:30 am. 

While enjoying her breakfast and the stunning views of the mountain range, brahmani also meditated. The cherry on top is that brahmani rode a yellow Yezdi. nara brahmani delighted in a bicycle excursion over the Leh mountain ranges. nara brahmani is shown in the popular film describing the daybreak and spirituality provided by the Thikse monastery. Internet users are admiring brahmani for her physically demanding cycling excursion. It is well known that nara brahmani adores cycling and that she belongs to a team of competitive cyclists. She has a prosperous business.

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