For the upcoming movie Vanangaan, Suriya and director bala reconnected after a ten-year separation. Since the movie's first announcement earlier this year, there have been high expectations for it. It has now been revealed that Suriya declined to participate in the movie. Yes, the actor won't be a part of Vanangaan, director bala stated in a statement.

Director bala noted in a statement issued on sunday night, "My younger brother, Suriya, and I wanted to direct Vanangaan, according to Bala's official statement. I wasn't sure, though, if the project was appropriate for someone like him after some alterations to the story. Suriya had complete faith in me, but it was my responsibility as an older brother to prevent him from getting into such a precarious situation, he said. Therefore, Suriya and I have concluded that it would be best for everyone if he opted out of the project. Suriya was actually quite upset about this choice, but it was made for the benefit of my brother."

Krithi Shetty was also thrown out and now we hear from sources that the actress was asked to act without dress and she refused. Suriya was also asked to act in underwear for a scene and he got pissed and the movie was finally shelved. 

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