Danayya preferred to get his investment back. With this, the initiative has been seized by the financially robust people media Factory. Danayya was purportedly settled by them. Danayya reportedly transferred this investment to pawan kalyan at this time. He is reportedly placing a significant wager on the movie starring pawan kalyan and Sujeeth. He's decided to work with PK on a significant movie. In fact, Danayya and prabhas still get along well because he gave prabhas support when he needed it.
Prabhas wished Danayya, Pawan Kalyan, and Saho director Sujeeth well on Instagram. Danayya reportedly transferred this investment to pawan kalyan at this time. He is reportedly placing a significant wager on the movie starring pawan kalyan and Sujeeth. He's decided to work with PK on a significant movie. In fact, Danayya and prabhas still get along well because he gave prabhas support when he needed it. prabhas wished Danayya, Pawan Kalyan, and Saho director Sujeeth well on Instagram.