Bhediya, the spooky comedy starring varun dhawan, saw a significant decline in sales this weekend due to the release of several other movies. varun plays a werewolf in the movie, which came to theatres on november 25. The movie is currently up against some fierce competition from other movies, such Salaam Venky, Dhrishyam 2, and An Action Hero, to name a few.

The Kriti Sanon-starring varun dhawan movie, which had a strong opening weekend at the box office, is currently having trouble generating solid business. amar kaushik is in charge of directing the werewolf movie. It appears a little challenging for Bhediya to even approach the Rs 100-crore threshold, going with the pattern. On its fifteenth day, the picture, which is just breaking even at the box office, brought in Rs 0.95 crores. Bringing the total to Rs. 57.97 Crore. It appears that the movie may pass the Rs 60 crore mark over the weekends.

Varun dhawan and kriti sanon play the key roles in the movie. After Dilwale, this is Kriti's second movie with varun (2015). Actually, Bhediya is the third film in Vijan's horror-comedy series. On november 25, it premiered in theatres. The plot of Bhediya, which is set in Arunachal Pradesh, centres on a young man named bhaskar who suffers a wolf bite while foraging for food.

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