Everyone already knew that rajamouli will work with mahesh babu on a film before the great director ever revealed "RRR." However, there are already rumours circulating in tollywood that rajamouli plans to release another large-scale multi-starrer when his action-packed global adventure starring Mahesh is released. However, this rumour is more improbable than the anticipation it would stir. A major news outlet has reportedly said that they are hearing rumours regarding Rajamouli's second upcoming film, which will star the bizarre pairing of prabhas and Jr. NTR.

While rajamouli and both of these actors are fairly close, it will undoubtedly be a simple effort for him to set up this pairing, so why would the director consider it at this time? He must first finish Mahesh's movie, which may easily take two to three years. However, Jr. NTR's supporters are pleading with their idol to decline the role in this hybrid film since they believe their favourite star was miscast in "RRR" as the supporting character rather than the leading man.

They are criticising rajamouli for using ntr as the story's catalyst without giving him the title part, despite the fact that he and ram charan did excellent work as bheem in RRR. Relax, this Prabhas-NTR movie is only a rumour, and rajamouli may not even be aware of it.

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