The sequel to Ponniyin Selvan, titled "Ponniyin Selvan-2" (PS-2), will be released in theatres on april 28, 2023, according to the film's producers. The film, which is being directed by one of the titans of the indian film industry, Mani Ratnam, and stars Chiyaan Vikram, Jeyam Ravi, Karthik, aishwarya Rai, Trisha, aishwarya Lakshmi, and Jayaram, will be released in theatres seven months after the release of the film's first instalment, "Ponniyin Selvan-1," which was released in September. The movie's music is composed by Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman.

To reveal the release date for PS-2, a little video starring Jeyam Ravi, aishwarya Rai, Karthik, and vikram was made public. Produced by Mani Ratnam's madras Talkies and Alirajah Subaskaran's Lyca productions, "Ponniyin Selvan" made $500 million in worldwide box office receipts for its first act. The first part was a huge success and the movie easily grossed 500 Crores and made an impact at the box office as well.

Now, this has clearly resulted in troubles for chiranjeevi and pooja hegde as both of their movies are releasing on the same weekend. While chiranjeevi confirmed that Bhola shankar will release on april 14th, pooja Hegde's Kisika Bhai Kisika jaan also confirmed the release date on 21st April. With no space between the releases and dates are squeezed, we have to wait and see who emerge victorious.

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