Actress rashmika mandanna made an attempt to address the abuse she received after using air quotes to describe Rishab Shetty. For the uninitiated, a few weeks ago, rashmika mentioned in an interview a project she was working on with the Kantara actor, but she said so using air quotes. Many people teased the actress since they thought it was a dig at the kannada celebrity. Even Rishab seemed to find it offensive. Without asking her name, he made fun of the gesture.

Rashmika mentioned in passing in a recent interview that she is ridiculed for her hand movements, which are extensively scrutinised. rashmika discussed her trolls in a viral instagram post she uploaded while analysing why she gets targeted. rashmika explained to bollywood Bubble that "as performers, we're always out there. We are well-known people. We can't count on others like us all the time. I am not capable of lying.

It's odd because, despite being an actor who portrays a variety of personas, I simply cannot lie. I published the article because there was a tsunami of criticism directed against the majority of us in the profession, not just me, and I wondered why it was occurring. It's not like we're messing up anything.

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