The big-budget action film "Veera simha Reddy," starring Natasimham Nandamuri balakrishna and directed by Gopchand Malineni and produced by mythri movie makers, is scheduled to open on July 12. Today at Ongole, the movie's producers conducted a large pre-release celebration.

Gopichand Mallineni spoke at the occasion and shared his experiences while watching the samarasimha reddy movie. He claimed that in 1999, he and his pals travelled to Ongole to see Samrasimha Reddy's morning show, but were detained by police after a brief altercation. He did, however, add that as soon as they arrived from the station in the evening, they headed straight to the movie.

He admitted to being a fanboy and claimed that Veera simha Reddy would be a movie that 1000 of Balakrishna's admirers would have directed. Later, he called sruthi Hasan and said, "Love you," referring to her as his Lucky heroine. He also expressed his love to balakrishna, adding that he was a big fan and that this love was different from the one he had expressed to Sruthi.

Speaking of Duniya Vijay, he claimed that when he asked him to play a villain, Vijay responded that he was also a fan of NBK and that he would undoubtedly act in a movie. He concluded by praising Thaman for his superb score and extending his gratitude to the whole actors and crew of the movie.

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