Despite receiving mixed reviews, Nandamuri Balakrishna's Veera simha Reddy, which debuted on january 12, made an amazing Rs 40 crore at the domestic box office on its opening day. It became popular among NBK fans, which aided in its success. On the second day, however, there was a definite decline for the movie. Nevertheless, the total numbers are still very good. Action movie Veera simha Reddy was helmed by Gopichand Malineni.

According to earlier projections, Veera simha Reddy earned Rs 10 crore on its second day. However, the total sum can exceed Rs 13 crore. In either case, the film's 2-day gross will probably exceed Rs 50 crore. On the second day, Veera simha Reddy could have performed better if it hadn't had to compete with Chiranjeevi's Waltair Veerayya. "Veera simha Reddy, directed by Gopichandh Malineni and starring Balakrishna, Honey Rose, and shruti Haasan, is a formulaic action comedy with lots of action. The narrative, however, offers nothing novel."

The movie is Balakrishna's first collaboration with Shruti. Additionally, it is the actor from Sandalwood's tollywood debut. S Thaman is the composer of the music. After the actioner Akhanda, this is Balakrishna's first film to be released (2021)

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