RRR by SS rajamouli has gained worldwide acclaim! The movie recently took home two prizes at the Critics' Choice Awards after winning a Golden Globe. In addition to winning Best Foreign language Film, Team rrr also took up Best Song for Naatu Naatu. An American journalist stated how hollywood director james cameron "admires" rrr after the movie won. The same was shared on twitter by the movie's official account. 

And when alia bhatt observed this, she addressed the avatar director and praised SS Rajamouli's RRR. Journalist Anne from the united states remarked on twitter, "Every little bit of publicity helps get more people to view rrr, which won best foreign picture at CCA! I introduced myself to S.S. rajamouli, and my fellow diner Jim cameron also expressed his admiration for the film." Team rrr commented, "James cameron admires RRR†love YOUU SIRRR @JimCameron†#RRRMovie (sic)" in response to this. alia bhatt wrote, "Uffff such a great morning (sic)" on her instagram story after finding out that Jim cameron enjoys RRR.

Alluri seetharama raju and Komaram Bheem, two telugu liberation fighters, served as the inspiration for the fictional story RR. In the meantime, Alia's most recent on-screen appearance was in Brahmastra alongside Ranbir Kapoor. The movie later went on to become a smash hit.

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