A few weeks back, we disclosed the news that Vijay has got divorced from sangeetha and he completely ignored her. Adding fuel to the fire, some youtube channels also confirmed the same news, and later those were denied by PR team clarifying that Vijay's wife sangeetha was in abroad and she was unable to attend those events. But, there is no smoke without fire and now the cat is out of the bag!

Actor Vijay and Keerthy suresh are in affair as per social media talks and already hashtags are spreading on twitter to support Vijay's wife Sangeetha. #JusticeForSangeetha is trending since morning and the news has been the talk of the town. The above video clearly explains whatever is going between Keerthy suresh and Vijay and they have acted together two times.

Already, several leading tamil magazines also shared the same thing and has sparked a huge controversy around. We aren't kidding as you can check the above tweet where a magazine has opened about the affair between Vijay and Keerthy as a mere gossip and fans aren't fools to miss such an open statement from one of the leading magazines.

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