The audience and fans cheered Nandamuri balakrishna and honey rose for their on-screen chemistry in the movie Veera simha Reddy. In the movie, which was released around Sankranthi, the pair played a couple. The crew also had a celebration of achievement yesterday night, which the actress attended. Later, at the after party, the pair appeared to be having a blast and the whole team is enjoying.

Balakrishna and honey rose can be seen holding hands in front of their friends while drinking champagne in a recently released photo. On social media, the image is currently going viral. In Malayalam, honey rose is a well-known actress. In Telugu, she acquired fresh prominence because to Veera simha Reddy. In the upcoming days, it is anticipated that she would work on additional Telugu-language movies.

The pictures from the success meet in hyderabad that trended on social media showed honey rose looking lovely in a purple sparkly gown and glamorous makeup. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Duniya Vijay, and director Gopichand Malineni were also in attendance. As the event's principal guests, Vishwak Sen and siddhu Jonnalagadda were present. Vishwak shared images from the success meet on his social media accounts.

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