Everyone is aware of ajith Kumar's announcement of his follow-up movie with filmmaker Vignesh Shivan. After finishing the most recent pongal Super success, Thunivu, it was reported that he would shortly begin filming his upcoming project, tentatively named Ak62. However, according to recent sources, Thala ajith has taken Vignesh Shivan's place as director of AK62 and is looking to get a new one.
Vignesh Shivan won't be directing ajith Kumar's upcoming film AK62, according to sources. It is claimed that the director was replaced due to artistic issues. The opportunity to work with ajith on a movie has now come to a new director Magizh Thirumeni. Kalaga Thalaivan and thadam are his earlier movies. Additionally, he assisted gautam Vasudev menon and selva raghavan as directors.
Rumor has it that ajith asked for revisions to the screenplay vignesh shivan read aloud because he wasn't happy with it. Other rumours state that ajith wants to hire a top filmmaker to helm his next movie in order to match the hype around Thalapathy Vijay's Thalapathy67 with lokesh Kangaraj. Before this, other filmmakers with the names of atlee and vishnu Vardhan were also being considered to direct AK62.
Vignesh Shivan won't be directing ajith Kumar's upcoming film AK62, according to sources. It is claimed that the director was replaced due to artistic issues. The opportunity to work with ajith on a movie has now come to a new director Magizh Thirumeni. Kalaga Thalaivan and thadam are his earlier movies. Additionally, he assisted gautam Vasudev menon and selva raghavan as directors.
Rumor has it that ajith asked for revisions to the screenplay vignesh shivan read aloud because he wasn't happy with it. Other rumours state that ajith wants to hire a top filmmaker to helm his next movie in order to match the hype around Thalapathy Vijay's Thalapathy67 with lokesh Kangaraj. Before this, other filmmakers with the names of atlee and vishnu Vardhan were also being considered to direct AK62.