Actor naresh from tollywood and his longtime partner Pavitra recently announced their impending nuptials. naresh has now requested a divorce from ramya, his third wife. In a case to the High Court, naresh claims that his wife ramya is conspiring to have him killed alongside Rohit Shetty. naresh said in his lawsuit that ramya had borrowed heavily under his name and had stolen several pricey items from him and his family. He said that ramya had hired a group to physically get rid of him.

According to naresh, ramya has been tormenting him physically and mentally for a long time, which is why he is requesting a divorce. He even mentioned that a gang may have broken into his home in april 2022 as a result of Ramya's planning. In order to move on with his life quietly, naresh came to the conclusion that he had to divorce ramya right away.

The actor said that ramya previously threatened to have him killed and demanded Rs 10 Crore during an interview with a news outlet. "In 2022, a couple supari killer gangs scouted the area in order to assassinate me. Regarding the threat to my life, I have filed an appeal with the court. She harassed me, and my phone was tapped as well. naresh Babu added, "I even filed a cyber complaint against her."

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