A young girl named Satya (Anikha Surendran) lives in araku with her parents. satya helps her mother fulfil orders for custom clothing. The daughter accidentally phones Murali's (Surya Vashistta) number when her mother wants her to call a client. satya is taken to the sound of his voice, and as their discussions progress, she develops feelings for the auto driver Murali. They decide to get together in Vishakapatnam. Chaos results as a mystery man named RK (Arjun Das) enters their lives.

In this movie, child star Anikha Surendran made her acting debut as a heroine. Anikha did a respectable job portraying an innocent, underprivileged rural girl. For the position of vehicle driver, surya Vashishtta is also suitable. Another excellent option for the rugged and rough guy is arjun Das. A tv starlet named Navya Swamy briefly appears. The film's cinematography is adequate. The film's original visual aesthetic was maintained by the cinematographer. The songs ought to have more hooks. Ganesh Ravuri's dialogues are nicely written.

Already, Telugus ruined the remake of Ayyappanum Koshiyum with pawan kalyan and rana daggubati and now they have again ruined another malayalam remake with some unwanted stuff and this time it's Kappela movie.

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