For his role in the "Vinodaya Sitham" adaptation, actor pawan kalyan recently changed his haircut and embraced a strict vegetarian diet. According to rumours, he will be portraying a deity in this socio-fantasy movie, which explains the transformation. This metamorphosis is consistent with how he previously portrayed Lord krishna in "Gopala Gopala," where he also used a similar method. Senior actors like ntr frequently use this technique while playing sacred characters.

In order to prepare for the role, Pawan changed his diet and his hairstyle. He is scheduled to start filming "Vinodaya Sitham" in the second week of this month. He has also been improving his physical fitness. In addition to this project, Pawan is also working on Krrish's unfinished film "Harihara Veeramallu." Sujith has a movie with filmmaker harish shankar in development as well as "OG."

However, it's unclear when any of these initiatives will be finished; possibly even Pawan is unsure of the answer. For the time being, the Peoples media company is fortunate to have a Pawan movie finished. pawan kalyan is likely to have twin releases this year and he might be giving 3 releases next year and his Political career is also having a big question mark.

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