Mithila Palkar, an actor from the Ori Devuda film, recently travelled to thailand with her street photography. It was both quirky and gorgeous when she wore a white crop top with a green shirt, slacks, sunglasses, a yellow bag, a watch, and sneakers. She posted the Thai phrase "Sawasdee Kha" beside her attire.

We've seen Mithila perform beautifully on numerous occasions, and we adore her acting abilities. She gave some truly memorable performances in the films Karwaan, Chopsticks, Little Things, Tribhanga, and many others. The actor is now a part of the Marvel universe and provides Sofia, a young mutant who is hiding, with her voice.

On joining the Marvel family, Mithila adds, "To be a part of the Marvel universe in any capacity makes me really happy. I'm happy to have contributed to the audio verse because it is such a wonderful idea. I still have a recording to do for the series, so it will be an exciting experience that I am looking forward to." It's exciting news for Mithila's admirers that she will be contributing her voice for the first time to such a major international production house.

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