Ananya Panday, a star child who has yet to record a single bollywood hit, frequently lands herself in high-profile films. She also gained an enormous reputation in tollywood at the same time, courtesy to Vijay Devarakonda's Liger, but she hasn't landed a telugu movie because it bombed. Her love story and the love affair has been the talking point of social media already.

It was revealed that Vijay devarakonda is dating ananya Panday and much more while the movie Liger was being made. As KJo also claimed that he saw them together a few times, the actress spoke extensively about Aditya Roy Kapoor when she first arrived on the Koffee With karan chat program. Later, the two made numerous public appearances together, including at diwali parties and a FIFA world cup game in Qatar. And it occurred once again.

Ananya Panday attended last night's web series premiere in mumbai even though she has no affiliation with the programme. And it appears that the sole affiliation is that Aditya Roy serves as the program's star. If rumours are to be accepted, Ananya's attendance at the premiere of "The Night Manager" is almost a confirmation that she is dating Aditya. The two posed together at Kiara-wedding Siddharth's as well.


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