``Calendar Girl'' beauty Ruhi Singh impressed as an actress on the silver screen with her hot performance right from the start of her career. This beauty, who is always hot on social media with her hot photoshoots, recently shared another hot photoshoot for her fans on Instagram. Ruhi appeared in a bikini elevating her hot figure. Those rare poses have now become a hot topic among boys. Roohi is next, whether she is seen in a swimsuit or a bikini.
Ruhi is a top model cum actress. She gained a lot of followers with her bold photoshoots! Fans are adding comments to this photo. The latest photoshoot at Hill Top Lounge has gone viral on the internet. She started her career with Calendar girl and acted in films like Ishq Forever, Bongu, and Operation Cobra. Roohi also acted in the telugu film manchu vishnu Mosagaallu. But unfortunately, the movie flopped.
Roohi on the other hand is pulling the career wagon with serials in web shows. In august last year, Ruhi Singh's Netflix shows Social currency became streaming. This is a show where eight of India's top celebrities and social media influencers compete for 21 days regardless of their phones, verified handles, and online following. It's a unique sport that faces the test in the real world without its superpowers Who likes them more outside the phone screens in the battle for survival? This is a show that catches the eye of the viewers.
Roohi will be seen in this show as a boss lady, Fierce, Loving and a very powerful influencer in a variety of looks. How many likes does it take to survive in the real world? How about these 8 social media influencers proving their impact on the #SocialCurrency IRL? That was interesting. Ruhi is the main attraction of this show.