Early in 2022, prabhas released the movie "Radhe Shyam," which is a bit of a letdown for his followers. And even though he was planned to release "Adipurush" at the beginning of 2023, the movie was delayed after the trailer's aesthetics went awry. But if we have to guess, it appears that the Superstar is getting ready for a six-month "jaathara" for his admirers.

The release of Om Raut's "Adipurush," which stars prabhas as Lord Rama, will take place on june 16th. The creators are currently utterly certain that the aesthetics would enthral fans and movie enthusiasts inside theatres. The next film is "Salaar," which is scheduled for release on september 28. Expectations have already been heightened by PRabhas' gruff appearance while filming in this location, thus the movie is undoubtedly going to be a hit with the general public.

Then comes the ultimate treat, Project K, which is formally announced for january 12, 2024, and is set to arrive three months after Salaar's debut. This implies that over a six-month period, audiences will enjoy three different films of various genres that are being made by incredibly great directors. Last but not least, fans are hopeful that all three movies will break records at the box office and become smash hits that break most of the records.

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