It's saturday night, the night to party, and Ted Sarandos, co-CEO of Netflix, who has travelled to India, was partying with South and hindi film celebrities. Ted Sarandos was photographed at the premiere of Heeramandi, a Netflix-only series created by renowned director Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Aamir Khan, karan johar, Kriti Sanon, Bhumi Pednekar, Rohit Saraf, Shefali Shah, Konkona Sen Sharma, Khushi Kapoor, Keerthy suresh, Rana Daggubati, Manisha Koirala, venkatesh Daggubati, Atlee, and other famous people were photographed at the event.

Atlee, the director of the movie Jawan, Keerthy suresh, and the director Vignesh Shivan were also seen at the Netflix Networking Party. Keerthy suresh looks incredibly lovely. Atlee, Rana Daggubati, karan johar, Aamir Khan, Khushi Kapoor, and many others attended a star-studded networking event that Netflix threw while co-CEO Ted Sarandos was in India. Keerthy suresh party photos and videos are going viral on social media and are trembling the Internet.

Keerthy suresh is lighting up the internet with her stunning appearances from a Netflix event. Keerthy suresh will be featured in the currently in production films Siren, raghu Thatha, and Revolver Rita. She is yet to open on her new project in malayalam though.

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