Dil Raju had a difficult time in the beginning of the year. He received harsh criticism for releasing his multilingual film Vaarasudu in opposition to tollywood heavyweights Veera simha Reddy and Waltair Veerayya. He put off the release of his film Vaarasudu for a few days when doubts were raised regarding his reliability. When dil raju opposed the Producers' council last year and called for strikes, he too encountered bad luck.

According to the Producers' Council, such strikes would be more detrimental to the sector than beneficial. dil Raju's reputation in the industry was harmed by the occurrence as well. Now, the TFPC elections held yesterday resulted in a majority of positions being gained by dil Raju's team. All those who questioned dil Raju's legitimacy have been silenced as a result of this triumph. dil raju addressed the media following the victory of his panel. He expressed his gratitude to all the producers who had helped him win 470 of the 675 votes. 

He continued by saying that despite all the recent controversies, the results of the elections have shown that the majority of producers, both small and large, appreciate and trust him. c kalyan of the producer Council had also harshly slammed dil Raju. All of the objections and voices that questioned dil Raju's authenticity have been silenced as a result of this triumph.

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