The movie, which is set in Bay City in 1939, begins with Clare Cavendish (Diane Kruger), an heiress looking for her lost lover, Nico Peterson (François Arnaud), a props master at a movie studio, visiting Marlowe (Liam Neeson). Two months ago, Nico vanished, and after asking about town, Marlowe came to the conclusion that Nico had passed away. Clare tells him that he can't be, as she is positive that she saw Nico while she was in Mexico. Marlowe is on the case, asking anybody who has ever come into touch with or known Nico for information. From a nightclub owner (Alan Cumming) to a country club manager (Danny Huston), Marlowe turns no stone unturned. Yet in the end, he discovers that things are far more complicated than they appear.

Marlowe is steeped in mystery, but it isn't a compelling one, and viewers will struggle to accept the story's turns and turns simply because there isn't much to care about. As the movie progresses, it becomes increasingly clear that there is a lack of suspense and attraction and that events just seem to happen. There isn't much in the plot or character connections to support this nearly two-hour drag, and the disclosures at the conclusion are given in a dull manner. The actors must deal with clumsy writing that frequently makes their delivery stiff, and the characters themselves are one-dimensional.

The movie makes an effort to look and sound like a neo-noir, but the proceedings lack emotion and have a hollow quality that permeates every scene and character interaction. Marlowe's old-school sensibility is attempted through the cinematography, but it is washed out and lacking in many ways. Although beautiful, the clothing serve as a reminder of what the movie is mimicking. It doesn't significantly or newly add anything. The carelessness in Jordan's movie suggests that Marlowe was produced as an afterthought.

The greatest way to characterise Marlowe is as a motion picture actor. Every artistic choice, including the script and directing, promotes the idea that this is a movie that shouldn't exist. Although the neo-noir may look the part, it is sorely lacking in every aspect that would have made this a captivating, delightful interpretation of Philip Marlowe. It's a real shame that the movie doesn't have enough personality to make it interesting.

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