Recently, there have been rumours that the talented writer-director trivikram, who also happens to be close friends with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, is avoiding the star performer and politician. But today, they dispelled all rumours when they showed up to the Peoples media headquarters, where Pawan had attended the launch of the Vinodhaya Sitham remake.

What is notable is that no photos of Pawan and trivikram together have been taken there. Before, despite the fact that trivikram showed up at the Unstoppable 2 filming location, he was absent from the episode. Due to all of these events, Pawan and trivikram are purposefully not posing together because they want to project a different image of themselves to bystanders.

They claim that perhaps they want to dispel the rumour that trivikram is penning Pawan's political speeches. Additionally, the Janasenani may have believed that the two of them working together would negatively impact Trivikram's filmography because a neighbouring state's government is known for persecuting Pawan and his movies. He does not want trivikram to be subjected to that with-hunting.

Yet, whether people like it or not, PK's most recent movies do have a trivikram influence, and some of them are being co-produced by the director's Fortune4 Cinema, which is run by his wife Soujanya.

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