The Ugram teaser, which stars Vijay Kanakamedala and allari naresh, was recently presented to rave reviews. The occasion was attended by the complete cast, including naga chaitanya, who unveiled the teaser.

"When I recently saw Sahu, he showed me the teaser of Ugram," naga chaitanya said. It struck me as remarkable. That thrill is multiplied by ten after seeing the preview on a large screen. The audience was fascinated by Naresh's brand-new role in Naandhi. There was a curiosity about the second picture in the combo of naresh and Vijay.

After the premiere of Naandhi, Vijay and I spent a lot of time together. We casually discussed a variety of subjects. He used a commercial approach to offer a movie with content. They are a good combination, and they do well at the box office. The duo of Vijay and naresh is lethal. I hope the combination will include a lot more movies. The combat at the beginning went nicely. Sahu and Harish provide the best resources when they believe in the narrative. For me, majili will always be the best movie. I hope the Ugram movie becomes a huge hit."

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