Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan will surpass Baahubali 2 and become the all-time highest-grossing hindi movie with an additional 3.5 crores. With the exception of bollywood, every sector has produced commercial success since the pandemic. rrr was produced in Telugu, Kantara was in kannada, and ponniyin selvan was the highest-grossing movie in Tamil. Also, Baahubali 2 had the biggest box office performance in the Telugu, Tamil, and kannada film industries. 

However, these movies surpassed Baahubali 2's record and surpassed it in their respective markets. Thus, after Pathaan, another movie will finally surpass #Baahubali2 in terms of box office performance across all languages. Other sectors of the economy achieved it quickly, but bollywood needed 6 years for Pathaan to help Baahubali 2 become a hit. No hindi film had been able to top Baahubali 2 in box office receipts over the previous six years. 

Pathaan is now poised to surpass Baahubali's previous record and take the title of highest-grossing hindi movie. Shah Rukh Khan has succeeded in ensuring that a bollywood film climbs the ranks, which was quite important. Pathaan will end up with a footfall of over 3.30 crores, which is still unmatched by any bollywood film and surpasses Baahubali 2's footfall of over 5 crores.

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