The successful sandalwood filmmaker A Harsha, who specializes in crafting commercial movies, will be Gopichand's next collaborator. Gopichand 31 will be produced eminently by kk Radhamohan, who has good taste in subject matter, under the auspices of Sri Sathya Sai Arts. Today in Hyderabad, the core team participated in the puja ceremony for the upcoming movie in this intriguing pairing. The third or fourth week of march will mark the start of the movie's regular shooting.

The yet-to-be-titled movie is expected to be an exciting action entertainer with moving sentiments. For the film, Gopichand will get a new makeover and appear in an action-packed avatar. The music director is ravi Basrur, who received widespread acclaim for his work on kgf, and Swamy J is the cinematographer. The female lead is expected to be shruti Haasan, and this will be the first time she teams up with Gopichand.

Ravi Basrur, who composed the music for kgf 2, Salaar, and Kabzaa, joining the team as the music director, is another highlight. Basrur has established himself as one of the most in-demand music composers in the nation as a result of the phenomenal success of Prashanth Neel's "K.G.F: Chapter 2" and has already contributed his services to a number of prestigious bollywood movies.

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