The movie "Ghosty," which stars kajal aggarwal, now has a release date. The Kalyaan-directed movie "Ghosty" began production in 2020, and the first look poster was unveiled on the occasion of the tamil New Year in 2021. After that, the teaser for the movie was released in october 2022, but for a variety of reasons, the movie didn't get released that year. Nonetheless, the movie's creators have chosen an appropriate release date, and "Ghosty" is scheduled to hit theatres on march 17.
In the horror comedy-drama, kajal aggarwal plays two roles, one of which is a police officer. The horror comedy was specifically created to be enjoyed in theatres, thus the creators battled hard to get the movie released despite the delay. In addition to Urvashi, Redin Kingsley, and sathyan playing minor roles, yogi babu will be featured in a significant role. sam CS composed the music for the movie "Ghosty," and the trailer will be released soon to encourage social media buzz about it.
There's a particular scene where Kajal has to remove her police shirt and that created several troubles in censors. Now, that scene was removed and replaced with another scene. It should be noted that, Kajal was last seen in Hey Sinamika with Dulquer salman which was a huge debacle in her career.
In the horror comedy-drama, kajal aggarwal plays two roles, one of which is a police officer. The horror comedy was specifically created to be enjoyed in theatres, thus the creators battled hard to get the movie released despite the delay. In addition to Urvashi, Redin Kingsley, and sathyan playing minor roles, yogi babu will be featured in a significant role. sam CS composed the music for the movie "Ghosty," and the trailer will be released soon to encourage social media buzz about it.
There's a particular scene where Kajal has to remove her police shirt and that created several troubles in censors. Now, that scene was removed and replaced with another scene. It should be noted that, Kajal was last seen in Hey Sinamika with Dulquer salman which was a huge debacle in her career.