Ameen Rahman, son of the Oscar-winning AR Rahman, narrowly avoided a serious incident while working on a mumbai filming location. A chandelier apparently fell as the musician was on stage singing. The teenage musician thanked god while sharing the details of the mishap on Instagram. AR rahman has since responded to the situation and released a statement.

AR rahman posted a message on social media, calling for top-notch security on indian filming locations. The message says, "A possibly terrible disaster was avoided a few days ago by my son AR Ameen and his styling crew. Thankfully, Alhamdulillah (by the Grace of God), no one was hurt in the mishap in Mumbai's Film City." His family is all quite frightened, and an inquiry into the occurrence, the insurance company, and the production business Goodfellas Studios is ongoing, he continued in the statement.

"I am thankful to the Almighty, my parents, family, well-wishers, and my spiritual teacher that I am safe and alive today," Ameen continued in a lengthy statement. Three nights ago, when I was filming a song, I trusted the crew to handle the engineering and safety while I concentrated on giving a good performance for the camera. While I was standing in the exact same place, the entire truss and chandeliers that were hanging from a crane collapsed. The entire apparatus would have fallen on our heads if there had been a few inches here and there or a few seconds earlier or later.

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