Siddhu (Pranav Chandra), a young man, and his friend, a teenager, are small-time burglars. Despite the fact that Lucky (Malvika Sateesan), a software firm employee, witnesses them stealing her gold chain, they end up becoming friends. At work, Lucky's supervisor frequently initiates sexual contact with her. He threatens to expose a video of her taking a bath that he secretly recorded to the entire world if she won't consent to his sex demands. She asks these burglars to help her grab his cellphone. 

They are surprised to learn that the boss was discovered dead in his house the next day and that the police are looking into the possibility that the two thieves were involved. The crooks are successful in stealing the phone. ajay Ghosh, a businessman from Goa, hires Hyderabad-based hitman Satti (Bittiri Sathi) to kill his wife in the meantime. To avoid being caught, the criminals escape to Goa, where Satti also vacations. To find the thieves, the police travel to their location. The narrative starts in Goa.

Although newbie Pranav Chandra has good appearance, his performance abilities are subpar. Manchi Donga, played by a young actor, steals the stage. malavika Sateesan is merely adequate. The jokes of Bittiri Satti are dated. ajay Ghosh's comedic efforts fall flat. Instead of being on par with those of a feature picture, the production values and technological standards are more akin to those of a YouTube video.

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