This movie was written and directed by Siva nageswara rao, who is known for classic comedic capers like "Money," which he created in 1993. For a long time now, nageswara rao -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>siva nageswara rao has been nowhere to be found. The director tried to follow the format of a movie from 30 years ago (Money), but his story is so awkward that you can't sit through it. The fact that it only lasts for two hours is the one saving grace. Also, the second half of the movie is a little bit better.

The film's protagonist is newcomer Pranav, while Bittiri Satti and his antiquated quips as well as ajay Ghosh's trite comic stunts are featured more frequently. ajay Ghosh, who plays two characters, dominates the whole second half. None of it appears to be real, whether it's Bittiri Satti's bithiri comedy, Malvika Sateesan's boss bugging her about a swimming video, or a police station scene. The movie's scenes all seem to have been chosen at random. In the past, nageswara rao -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>siva nageswara rao is mired. His humour is utterly out of date. Better gags can be found on instagram Reels or YouTube clips.

The story, screenplay, and directing of the movie don't feel modern at all. Regrettably, the technical and production elements are likewise very simple. "Dochevaarevarura" has no professional appearance at a time when even YouTube short films have one. In actuality, the short films starring Gangavva are far superior to this picture in terms of plot, humour, and production design.

In conclusion, "Dochevaarevarura" ought to have been broadcast online rather than in cinemas. It's a ridiculous drama with nothing to recommend it.

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