There are now Oscars! NTR's message is already going viral on the red carpet. ntr wore a specially made indian outfit created by Gaurav Gupta that was modeled around his komaram bheem character from RRR. ntr aspired to enter as a "Indian" and stroll the red carpet. ntr wears a black sherwani garment with a "Tiger" emblazoned on his shoulder as part of his outfit.

When questioned about his clothing, he responded, "And when you leave, we glance at your tiger. Perhaps one of the characters in your movie served as an inspiration for that? The national animal of india is the tiger, according to NTR. I responded by saying that india will be the one to walk the carpet rather than an actor from RRR. Thus, it is now! This is India. Photos from the Academy Awards!

The rrr team, which consists of ram Charan, Jr. ntr, and director SS Rajamouli, is present at the ceremony. This year's nominations include a number of firsts: all five Best Actor hopefuls are first-time nominees, and a record four Asian actors have been nominated for acting, including Everything Everywhere All At Once's Ke Huy Quan, who dominated the award season this year and took home the Oscar. Either Cate Blanchett or his co-star Michelle Yeoh might become the first Asian woman to win the Best Actress Oscar.

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