The Oscars went to India. Undoubtedly, yesterday's announcement that RRR's hit song Naatu Naatu had won the Best Original Song oscar for 2023 was the best news for Indians. Since this historic achievement is the first time an indian film's song has won the Best Song award, fans have gone wild, and the festivities are still going strong. Celebrities from the entertainment business aren't the only people who have joined the celebrations to thank the rrr squad; cricket players, politicians, and people from all professions have also participated.

Vijay Deverakonda, samantha Ruth Prabhu, Nagarjuna, Rana Daggubati, rashmika mandanna, Mahesh Babu, Rajnikanth, and more well-known South film stars posted their good wishes on social media. Some even shared the live telecast of the show and their responses with the audience. Fans, however, were anxiously awaiting the appointment of Allu Arjun, another celebrity.

Finally sharing her feelings, the pushpa actress added, "Great occasion for INDIA. Elated to see a telugu song shaking at the Oscars. Best wishes to @mmkeeravaani garu, @boselyricist garu, @premrakchoreo master, brothers @Rahulsipligunj, @kaalabhairava7, my favourite international stars, my charming brother @AlwaysRamCharan, our telugu pride @tarak9999, and the man who made it all possible @ssrajamouli garu. An very moving moment in indian film #RRR

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