The production phase of Samuthirakani's Vinodhaya Sitham remake is underway. In the movie, pawan kalyan will collaborate alongside his nephew Sai Dharam Tej, and regular filming has begun and is progressing quickly. In the midst of the hurried filming, a photo of Powerstar and sai dharam tej that appears to be from the movie appeared online.

The leaked image is currently trending on social media and receiving primarily unfavorable comments. Even his own supporters are dissatisfied with Pawan Kalyan's appearance. For over 20 years in Tollywood, Powerstar has been renowned for his on-screen presence and stylish appearance. Nonetheless, his appearance and styling in this film seem rather unremarkable and conventional.

In the meantime, the film's creators provided an update on its star cast, which includes a number of well-known actors. The movie will also include Brahmanandam, Rohini, Tanikella Bharani, Subbaraju, priya Prakash Warier, and raja Chembolu in addition to Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej, and Ketika Sharma. The movie centres on the egotistical life of Sai Dharam Tej, who after dying in a car accident asks for an additional 90 days to live. The main theme of the story revolves around how he transforms his life and transforms into a better and more likeable guy.

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