Together with Pavitra lokesh, naresh is producing a Telugu-Kannada bilingual film for vijaya krishna Movies, which is being directed by MS Raju. Today, the film's creators unveiled the title, first look, and a glimpse. The name locked for this family-friendly entertainment is Malli Pelli. In the first-look poster and the glimpse, naresh can be seen admiring Pavitra Lokesh's artistry as she creates a rangoli. The BGM by suresh Bobbili is wonderful and uplifting for a little glance. Both naresh and Pavitra dress ethnically, and their chemistry is endearing.

The film, which also features ananya Nagella in a crucial role, will feature jayasudha and Sarathbabu in significant roles. MN For the film, which is set for release this summer, Bal reddy cranks the camera. The title, first look, and a brief preview of Naresh's Golden Jubilee movie have been released. vijaya krishna Movies, the production company founded by his late mother Vijaya Nirmala, is once again in operation.
 In celebration of his 50 years in the business, naresh teamed up with director MS Raju to create the family comedy Malli Pelli.
 Naresh is seen watching lokesh -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>pavitra lokesh create a rangoli in front of their house while perched on his knee.

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