Adipurush will be Prabhas's next film appearance. The movie, whose filming was long ago finished, is presently in the post-production stage. On june 16, 2023, the video will be released in theatres. The creators have just published a strong poster to commemorate Rama Navami. prabhas is depicted as Lord Rama, kriti sanon is Seetha, and sunny singh is Lakshmana in this poster. Lord Hanuman, played by Devdatta Nage, is seen pleading with Lord Rama for favors. 

The actors appear to be incredibly well-suited for their parts, and the poster design is excellent. The hopes have now risen further as a result of this poster. Based on the epic Ramayan, this mythological tale. T-series and Retrophiles have jointly funded Adipurush. Playing the villain Ravanasura is Saif ali Khan. director Om Raut of Tanhaji renown is behind Adhipurush.

One of the eagerly awaited mythological fantasy movies is Adipurush, which is based on the classic Ramayana. prabhas plays the title character Lord ram, and kriti sanon portrays Sita, who is the main character. On the special occasion of ram Navami, the marketing campaigns for the eagerly anticipated movie officially kicked off today, march 30. The launch of a brand-new Adipurush poster starring prabhas, Kriti Sanon, and sunny singh served as the catalyst for the major promotions.

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