Mass Maharaja ravi teja is presently promoting his upcoming Sudheer Varma-directed film, Ravanasura. On april 7, 2023, this film will have a major theatrical premiere and sushanth will play a pivotal part. According to the most recent information, the movie was rated "A" for its depictions of brutality despite being censored. The movie's duration is not yet revealed. Everyone has been shocked by the censor board's A classification for the movie.

Because only action movies with a heavy dose of violence and fights will receive an A classification. However, the crowd was not expecting an A rating for Ravanusara. Everyone anticipated the movie to receive a U/A certificate because the songs, teaser, and trailer all appeared like commercial entertainment. The movie is gearing up for a release with high expectations and the pre-release event added more spice to it

The feminine leads in the movie are Faria Abdullah, Megha Akash, Anu Emmanuel, daksha Nagarkar, and Pujita Ponna. Significant roles were performed by Jayaram, Sriram, Hyper Aadhi, Harshavardhan, murali Sharma, Sampath, and others. Bheems Ceciroleo and Harshavardhan Rameshwar are the film's soundtrack directors, and abhishek Pictures and RT Teamworks are the producers.

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