The Nita mukesh ambani Cultural Centre dominated the show with bollywood and Hollywood's stars making an appearance. The stunning stars' day two fashion statement on the pink carpet at the big event is the Desi version of the Met Gala. Along with photos of numerous celebs looking their best, a photo of bollywood superstar actor hrithik roshan is currently trending online. Hrithik can be seen carrying his fiancée Saba Azad's heels in an unrelated photo.

The picture is going viral online, with many people praising Hrithik as a genuine gentleman and saying that he is "head over heels" in love with Saba Azad. The image has caused a major meltdown among Hrithik's female admirers. For the NMACC event, they were also seen together in lovely black and red attire. Hrithik and Saba azad have been observed together at all major events in the city. With the lady in red, hrithik roshan captioned a photo of them that he shared online.

With the addition of rrr star Jr ntr, the sequel to yash Raj Films' 2019 hit war just grew even bigger. Today, it was revealed that the telugu superstar will be joining the war 2 cast, which is headed by Hrithik Roshan. It's true, trade analyst Taran adarsh posted. In World war 2, Hrithik-Jr. YRF carries off a successful casting. In war 2, hrithik roshan and Jr. ntr will appear together onscreen for the first film. The director is Ayan Mukerji. YRF Spy World. It is anticipated that Hrithik will return to the part of super spy Kabir; no information has been made public regarding Jr. NTR's character.

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