Tamanna will appear in a number of Tamil, Malayalam, and hindi movies in 2023, as well as the upcoming megastar chiranjeevi movie Bhola Shankar. The coming year seems great! Recently, actress tamannaah bhatia gave fans a collection of glam photos from a photo shoot against the breathtaking backdrop of Sentosa Island's picture-perfect beaches and lush vegetation. In a series of lovely photos, the actress looked stunning while wearing a tulle skirt and a bikini in one and a green sequin dress with a blazer on top in another.
It didn't take long for friends and coworkers from the fraternity to comment on the photos. While kajal aggarwal penned "Wowza," samantha Ruth Prabhu used the word "Ooooo" to show her wonder. karisma kapoor also let go of a heart. Vijay Varma, Tamannaah's reported boyfriend, also liked the post.