For its promotional material, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki jaan, the upcoming movie starring salman khan and pooja hegde, is frequently the target of trolls. The crowd has not been wowed by the songs that have been released thus far. salman Khan's dancing in the first song, Naiyo Lagda, was ridiculed. The movie's teaser received only middling reviews, and the most recent song, Yentamma, was also mocked. social media users who disapproved of the song made fun of ram charan and salman Khan's dance moves. 
The crowd thought the song's arrangement and steps were strange. salman Khan's attire is one of the major negative aspects of the Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki jaan advertising material. The way salman khan appears in each movie poster has drawn a good deal of troll attention on social media. The KBKJ movie's producers today revealed that the trailer will debut on april 10.

Farhad Samji is the director of the salman khan Film production "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan." The movie is an authorized remake of the tamil film Veeram. (Katamaraayudu in Telugu). salman khan, venkatesh Daggubati, pooja hegde, Jagapathi Babu, bhumika chawla, Vijender Singh, and abhimanyu singh appear in the motion picture.

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