The film SSMB 28, starring mahesh babu and pooja hegde, is currently in production. Fans are growing more apprehensive as time goes by about news regarding this acclaimed film that marks the return of the Trivikram-Mahesh pairing. Because of the fans' excitement, a picture from the movie's set has recently leaked, showing how mahesh babu and pooja hegde appear.
Mahesh and pooja are both seen wearing rather basic attire. pooja is dressed in traditional garb, while the superstar is wearing casual check shirts and simple trousers. It appears that trivikram has broken his tendency of using extravagant costumes and backdrops, and Mahesh will be depicted in this movie with a more approachable appearance.
SSMB 28 by mahesh babu is one of Tollywood's most eagerly awaited films. After 13 years, trivikram and Mahesh will work together again, and fans have high hopes for this project. sree Leela will play a significant role in this production and is supported by the Haarika and Hassine Creations banner. The music for this movie will be composed by SS Thaman, and naveen Nooli will be in charge of the editing. Stay tuned with us for more updates.

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