The april 21st release of Virupaksha by supreme hero sai dharam tej was highly received by both reviewers and viewers. The team originally intended for the film to be released in all of the main languages, but they altered their minds at the last minute after seeing Telugu's reception for about a week. The movie is currently headed towards becoming a huge hit.

The movie's theatricals have been sold for 25 crores, and it earned over 20 crores in its first weekend alone, meaning that it will break even by now. Now that the directors have opted to release the film in hindi, it stands a good possibility of grossing above 40 Crores worldwide in telugu alone.

After witnessing the movie, a large portion of the audience agreed that Virupaksha is a truly pan-Indian production. Now the hero and the production team have announced that the film is being dubbed into hindi and will be released on May 5. Small films like Kantara and karthikeya 2 have in the past performed incredibly well at the hindi box office. Therefore, Virupaksha has a good opportunity to do well at the hindi Box Office.

Virupaksha, a movie produced by BVSN prasad under the name Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, was intended to be released in a number of languages, including telugu, hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. However, for reasons that are still unknown, the film has only been released in Telugu. Shamdat Sainudeen is in charge of the film's cinematography, which features music by B Ajaneesh Loknath.

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