In tamil Nadu, actresses like Nayanthara, Hansika, and namitha have had temples fashioned after them as part of a custom where fans in the South erect monuments to their favorite actors and actresses. samantha has a big fan base and is one of the most well-known actors in the nation. samantha is now the sole recipient of a temple bearing her name that is currently being built in the andhra pradesh village of Alapadu, close to Bapatla, by tenali Sandeep, one of her ardent supporters. 
The admirer has completed the temple's construction and is anticipating april 28 to formally inaugurate the shrine in honor of his favorite actress. The fact that the fan has yet to meet his idol is the most intriguing component of this narrative. He affirms that he first became a fan of hers by observing her charitable efforts with the pratyusha Foundation, not just her cinematic work.

Samantha and her team have not responded to the news about the development, but fans can anticipate hearing from her in the next few days. Many actresses have experienced this; as a result of their extreme idolatry, their supporters have yearned for a sacred tribute to be paid to them. The focal point of the temple will be an enormous statue of Samantha's head.

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