With a distributor share of 2.40 crore in telugu States and 2.95 crore globally on weekdays, Virupaksha maintained its outstanding performance. The price at which the theatricals are valued is 25 Cr (excluding GST) for the film's five-day total share. Looking at each market separately, the film has made back its costs in the Nizam, ROI, and OS markets. 
The film is likely to break even in this market by the end of Second monday, while cost recovery in ap is currently being held up by tickets prices that are far lower than those in Nizam. The movie made $1.115 million overseas with a tuesday revenue greater than Monday. In the long run, it's projected to bring in 1.5 million.

First monday has been successfully held by Virupaksha thanks to the movie's distributor share of 3 Cr in the telugu States and 3.55 Cr globally. In the telugu States, the decrease is under 50% from sunday and under 40% from Friday. The movie has a 41.5 Cr gross and a 24.15 Cr worldwide total share as of right now. When opposed to Friday, areas like Nizam and Ceeded that were affected by the final day of Ramadan are significantly stronger on Monday. The dip today will demonstrate how well the movie will perform in the days to come.

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