When she attended the Elle Social Responsibility Award, rakul preet singh made a statement with her attire. She was clearly breaking boundaries and showcasing her curves in style as she wore a gorgeous black gown with a daring top front and side split. She recently had an appearance on ZEE5 in the movie Chhatriwali, and she has a number of other projects in the works, including the remake of Meri Patni Ka and the tamil flicks indian 2 and Ayalaan.
Rakul Preet Singh received vicious trolling after attending a recent event while wearing a striking black dress. rakul was able to achieve the sophisticated meets glams style when she wore a stunning black dress with a thigh-high slit and a plunging neckline on wednesday night to attend an awards presentation in the city. Trolls, however, claimed that the bollywood star appeared "uncomfortable" in a number of the event's videos of her.
When they realized that rakul was taking great care with her attire, they came to that conclusion. The actress seemed to be taking precautions to avoid any embarrassing slip-ups. But that's not how it was taken. Her attire caused her to feel uneasy, and people on social media questioned why she was wearing it.
On a video of rakul, a troll wrote, "Why wear something when you need your hand to cover your body parts?" Another person chimed up, "If you're not comfortable, don't wear." Third troll: "The tapes were plainly visible." Another comment read, "Wat is that so bad?

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