The surprising revelations made on Koffee With karan, karan Johar's contentious chat show, never fail to disappoint the fans. In the previous season, celebrities including Ranveer Singh, alia bhatt, Vijay Deverakonda, ananya Panday, Akshay Kumar, samantha Ruth Prabhu, Aamir Khan, kareena kapoor Khan, katrina kaif, and ishaan khatter shared some sizzling and up-to-date rumours with their fans. But even so, it couldn't compare to a memorable Season 3 episode starring deepika padukone and Sonam Kapoor.

During the rapid fire round in 2010, karan johar felt like asking some outrageous questions about ex-girlfriends. As a result, deepika padukone, who had previously kept quiet about the rk tattoo, suddenly spoke up on the couch. After deepika padukone and ranbir kapoor purportedly broke up, the show aired, yet deepika padukone continued to make headlines due to her neck tattoo.

Deepika had stated, "It's something that I thought was correct at the time," when explaining her opinions. And I haven't looked back since. And I've never considered getting rid of it. I am aware that the media frequently reports that "she has taken it off!" and such absurd things. It's definitely there, but I don't intend to take it.

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